Travis Dykstra: Cloud Architect

We know the cloud is here to stay, are you ready for it?

You need someone with the knowledge and hands-on experience to elevate your corporate infrastructure in both a secure and effective manor. Ask yourself: “Who on my team has the ability to take us to the next level in a constantly evolving virtual world?” If you struggle to answer that question, then you’re in the right place!

I am an aspiring Cloud Architect and Administrator, skilled in both AWS and Azure virtual environments. I currently hold all of the certifications pictured below, and will be completing my Bachelor of Science Cloud Computing degree in December 2023. Through my studies I have had extensive classroom and hands-on instruction in the areas of virtual and physical networking and infrastructure, cybersecurity, and identity and access management, just to name a few. I have done numerous coding tasks in both Python and PowerShell, and have spent time in both the AWS and Azure CLI environments. I can also assemble an iron-clad Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery plan to ensure that even in the worst situations, your data - and your company - will persist.

If you would like to hear more, or discuss how to take your business into the stratosphere,

cloud architect
AWS Certified Solutions Architect